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Paws in the Sand Foster Application

What age of cat(s) are you comfortable fostering? (Check all that apply)
Do you have prior foster experience?
We ask that our fosters keep the cats indoors for safety purposes. Can you commit to that?
Our fosters may be required to transport cats to vet appointments or adoption events. Do you have reliable transportation?
I do not drive, but have a commited transport available to me

Per agreement with our adoption centers, shelters and our policy, we require a home visit for potential fosters. We will arrange for a day and time that works best for you.

  1. The animal is and remains the property of Paws in the Sand. The animal must be relinquished to Paws in the Sand upon request. Failure to do so may result in legal action.

  2. Paws in the Sand may inspect the premises where the animal is to be or is being, housed at a mutually agreed upon time.

  3. As a foster care provider, I realize my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis and that I will receive nor expect any compensation or payment whatsoever or reimbursement for expenses not previously approved by Paws in the Sand.

  4. As the animal remains the property of Paws in the Sand at all time, foster care providers do not have the authority to place or keep foster animal(s) with another party without prior approval from Paws in the Sand.

  5. All veterinary visits must be approved in advance and arranged with Paws in the Sand designated veterinarians. Unauthorized veterinary expenses will not be reimbursed.

  6. Cats and kittens must be kept inside at all times. An enclosed catio may be the exception, however an inspection of the space must be approved by Paws in the Sand Cat Rescue first.

  7. Animals must be kept in a separate room or enclosure and provided with food, water, litter and frequent human companionship. Paws in the Sand may provide food and litter in some instances, if requested. However, the foster is financially responsible for food, litter and toys.

  8. Thorough cleansing and hygiene practices must be observed. Animals may be carrying undiagnosed diseases or parasites.

  9. Transportation of animals to veterinarian, spay/neuter appointments, adoption events and other venues as required is the responsibility of the foster care provider.

  10. The foster care provider is expected to maintain adequate medical records, including vaccination dates and when next vaccination is due.

  11. Paws in the Sand will be kept updated on the animal’s social and physical progress with any changes such as sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, not eating, runny eyes, etc. reported promptly. I accept the animals as is and assume all risk from contact with or care for, them, including but not limited to, damage to personal or property, injury or illness that may arise indirectly or directly. I agree to hold harmless Paws in the Sand, its volunteers, officers and assigns from any liability.*

Do you agree with the terms above?
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